


 在競爭白熱化的智慧型手機市場,三星終於推出市場盼望已久的旗艦機:Galaxy S3。S3配有4.8吋螢幕、Cortex A9之四核心處理器以及依舊輕薄之機身。由發表會試用後所發表之心得來看,目前市場預期S3將延續S2的熱銷,成為市場上僅次於iPhone的最強勢手機。根據現場測試結果,證實S3目前使用Broadcom BCM4334、Wolfson的音效晶片、以及Intel XMM6262作為基頻晶片。


 François Hollande swept to victory in France's presidential election, ousting incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy who had played a key role in structuring strict fiscal policies aimed at managing huge debts. At present, the markets seem untroubled by the election result. But they are increasingly nervous about Greece. The danger is that Greece is politically struggling, and its creditors may talk themselves into a chaotic rupture that nobody is prepared for and that has consequences nobody can predict.

 In fast-growing smartphone industry, Samsung Galaxy S3 marked London debut. It brings a 4.8” 720p display, quad-core AP and 8MP camera, all crammed into a slim and light casing. At this point we have few concerns, and this smartphone looks set to reproduce the Galaxy S2's success. Looking inside, participants at the debut found BCM4334 as S3’s combo IC, Wolfson as its audio codec supplier and Intel XMM6262 again won the BB slot. However, we believed S3 will follow S2’s footprint and provides several BB solutions for different regions and carries.

 On semiconductor side, MStar is expecting a flattish 2Q’12. While it has dominated Android 4.0 Smart TV market in China and expects its global TV market share to increase, the overall TV segment simply lacks momentum now. Its EDGE and 3G (TD and WCDMA) smartphone solutions (MSW8532B) are set for mass production in 3Q’12


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