




而半導體方面,Sigma Design宣布成功贏得Trident的DTV事業群。Sigma將利用Trident雄厚的智財庫與自身IPTV STB的技術垂直整合強化DTV及STB方面之競爭力。但市場懷疑Sigma在聯發科與晨星低價夾擊下能否殺出一條血路。雪上加霜的是,現已值DTV市場風雨飄搖之際,但Sigma整合Trident技術之晶片最快也要十八到二十四個月後才能問市,屆時還來不來得及令人憂慮。

China’s CPI was up 3.6% in March on YoY basis, exceeding the expected 3.3% rise. The data shows inflation increasing from February’s 3.2%, but weaker than the 3.9% average rise in January and February. This could serve as a caution that February’s CPI likely understated inflation. Looking ahead, however, there’s little chance inflation will ease much in coming months as gas prices remain elevated. But the risk of hard-landing remained low.

On smartphone business, Nokia was hit yet again by a disappointing 1Q’12 financial results and lackluster outlook for 2Q’12. The company's sales in developing economies "particularly in India, the Middle East and Africa and China," dropped considerably.  The Lumia is reportedly a fine product, but it lacks the draw of Apple's iPhone. Although the heavily-marketed Lumia is reportedly a fine product, it lacks the draw of Apple's iPhone. With Android and iPhone cornering Nokia, it might be left only to pick up the market crumbs.

As of semiconductor, Sigma Designs finalized a deal to acquire Trident's DTV business for $21 million. The market viewed this as a bold move to accelerate Sigma’s move into a market vertical that complements its IPTV STB. However, long term price competition from MTK and MStar and smaller market position for Sigma/Trident could hamper its prospect. New products that integrate technologies from Sigma and Trident probably would not happen until 18 to 24 months later.


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