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由於全球經濟難見起色,十一月起的明年度半導體預測紛紛下修。iSuppli對明年的展望由六月的4.8%調降至九月的3.4%,隨著歐債與泰國洪災登場,更在十一月調降至3.2%。WSTS一口氣從六月的7.6%陡降至十一月的2.6%。至於Gartner與IC Insight最新數據都尚未出爐,但分別在九月份有所調降;其中Gartner由五月份的8.6%降至4.6%,IC Insights從年初的11.0%狂瀉至九月份的5.0%。


Manufacturing in China shrank in November for the 1st time in nearly three years, while output elsewhere in Asia also softened, raising questions about the region's ability to drive global economy amid sluggish demand from the West.

The euro zone's manufacturing sector contracted at a faster rate in November, with production and new orders falling at the strongest rate since the height of the credit crunch in 2009.

The long bright spot was USA consumer confidence rose sharply in November, reflecting recent gains in the labor market and modest momentum in the recovery. With only the U.S. economy showing remarkable resilience by many measures, you have to wonder: Should Americans really be feeling better about things?

Nevertheless, we expect many governments to try avoiding a hard landing by taking the necessary monetary and fiscal policy steps, such as quantitative easing. But the slowdown is likely to accelerate in the coming months as it takes time for policy loosening to show its positive impact on the economy.

In the meantime, weak economic conditions are forecast to persist into 2012 as worldwide GDP growth is projected to remain flat. The weak economy will continue to depress consumer spending, the foremost driver of electronics and semiconductor market demand. As a result, IHS iSuppli lowered 2012 outlook from 4.8% in June to 3.4% in September, then further down to 3.2% in November. Similarly, WSTS lowered its forecast to 2.6% after raising it to 7.6% in June from 4.2% in December, 2010. Other notable are Gartner’s lowering from 8.6% in May to 4.6% in September and IC Insight’s lowering from 11.0% in January to 5.0% in September.

However, any forecast for growth is cautious in nature as a number of factors threaten to drive the economy back into recession, which would push the semiconductor market into a double dip.

    key takeaway

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